
原文:Questioning Team Accountability
Glen Alleman介绍了他们使用的业务管理流程——称为Afterburner——及其它对个人成功责任的依赖。Glen接着描述了他对团队责任而非个人承担责任的想法感到不适。根据本月Afterburner的视频通讯,在四步过程:1)计划,2)简介,3)执行,4)汇报中,如果我们无法回答“谁对失败负责?”这个问题,汇报无法做到有效。
Glen质疑了团队责任,这意味着没有个体对成功和失败负责。Andrew Joiner给出了一个回应:




这是理解自组织团队特别是实施敏捷开发的团队中比较困难的部分。我们在2009年敏捷大会对Christopher Avery的采访中,深入的讨论过这个话题。我们问了Avery关于个人责任和自组织团队的关系是怎样的:

……如果我们专注于我们在一条船上并且能获得更大的成功,那么就意味 着这是我们每个人的意愿,如果我们有主人翁意识意味着我们会有机的填补上空白、补上缺陷、改进流程。他们说团队中的角色都是新的,究其原因是因为团队总是 临时的而且是由更大的任务决定的,当人们有一种能要把事情搞定的感觉时,他们就会投身其中做需要完成的事情。


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It’s Time To Do Your Own Thing


Why do you read TCH? Does it inspire you to create, start a business, design a product, improve an idea? Does it make you want to innovate or imitate? Does it inspire you travel, or live in another city or country?
Do you need someone else to tell you your product/idea/execution/brand is great? We say don’t worry what anyone else thinks, trust your own judgment. When others doubt, be confident in your vision. Stop waiting for the perfect time to do what you want to do. Just go for it and do it now.

Don’t’ follow fashion trends. The most fashionable thing you can be is to be you. Travel the world, live in other cities, learn cultures. Learn because it keeps your mind young. You don’t need a university degree to be successful, although it may be helpful, but don’t do it because your parents – or you? – have status anxiety. Stop whining about it.
But what you do need is vision, tenacity and confidence in what you do. Do what you love now. Switch topics or schools now. Don’t wait till the last year of your education to realize that this isn’t your path. Listen to your heart, it knows what makes you happy.

If your job sucks, stop blaming others, your boss, your parents, the unverse. Just quit and take responsibility for your own choices. It’s not about the sucky job. It is about you being in the wrong place. There’s never a better time than now.
Start doing what your mind has been ticking away for you to do for years. Take risks. Be in a relationship that flows effortlessly. Trust your gut feeling. Intuition is strong and powerful.
Stop smoking, invest in your body, get off your ass and exercise. If you’re an entrepreneur , don’t spend all night on your projects. Practice balance and time management and have a life. Your family and kids are wondering why you aren’t home for dinner, again. What a waste of your time.

Have the tenacity and focus to execute an idea no matter how daunting it may seem at first. Have the confidence in what you’re doing even when others doubt. Create opportunities for yourself. It is time for you to step up.
Here at TCH, we practice what we preach and we learn something every day. Everything we feature here on TCH, is based on intuition. We don’t care if you or anyone else don’t like it or agree with what we feature. If we did that, we’d go insane and TCH would be fake and boring and bland.
The coolest thing you can do is doing it. – Bill Tikos